Click here to view the full agenda, including breakout session and pre-conference training details. 
*Agenda is subject to change.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Registration and Hospitality Desk Opens10:00 AM Lobby Registration
Pre-Conference Training: Learn to Write Fraud Rules Using SQL Like a Pro12:00 PM - 6:00 PM Grand Canyon 3
Pre-Conference Training: BASE24-eps + UP Framework Workshop: Working Together to Create a Seamless Payment Experience1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Grand Canyon 5
Pre-Conference Training: Retailers: Learn How to Get the Most Out of Your Postilion Solution1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Grand Canyon 4
Pre-Conference Training: 2016: A Year of EMV Lessons Learned4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Grand Canyon 2
Welcome Reception (Sponsored by Futurex/VirtuCrypt)7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Grand Canyon Foyer
Registration and Hospitality Desk Closes7:00 PM Lobby Registration
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Registration and Hospitality Desk Opens7:00 AM Grand Canyon Foyer
Breakfast7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Grand Canyon 8
Welcome8:30 AM - 8:40 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
Customer Experience at ACI8:40 AM - 9:05 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
Universal Connectivity – Creating Your Unique Position in the Payments Ecosystem9:05 AM - 9:40 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
How Immediate Payments is Shaping the Payments Landscape9:40 AM - 10:30 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
A Special Celebration10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
Break10:50 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon Foyer
User Group Meeting: PRM User Group11:15 AM - 12:05 PM Grand Canyon 1
User Group Meeting: Retail Banking Community11:15 AM - 12:05 PM Grand Canyon 13
User Group Meeting: MTS User Group11:15 AM - 12:05 PM Grand Canyon 12
User Group Meeting: Enterprise Banker (EB) User Group 11:15 AM - 12:05 PM Grand Canyon 3
User Group Meeting: Universal Online Banker (UOB) User Group - Part 111:15 AM - 12:05 PM Grand Canyon 2
Not Attending a User Group Meeting11:15 AM - 12:05 PM  
Lunch12:05 PM - 1:15 PM Grand Canyon 8
Breakout 1: Retail Merchants are the New Banks and Service Providers Branches1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 1
Breakout 1: Habits of Effective Distributed Agile Teams 1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Pinnacle Peak 3
Breakout 1: Not Attending a Session1:15 PM - 2:05 PM  
Breakout 1: Merchant Retail Omnichannel Solution Roadmap Update1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 11
Breakout 1: Global Payment Insights Series1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 3
Breakout 1: “Fraud Risk: The Bigger Picture” - How to Perform a Risk/Control Assessment using COSO's Enterprise Risk Management Methodology1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 1: Single Business Platform - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 1: Tokenization in Payment Processing1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 2
Breakout 1: Payment Systems Network Updates – Federal Reserve 1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 5
Breakout 1: The Benefits of ReD Shield for Beginners1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 9
Room Change2:05 PM - 2:20 PM  
Breakout 2: Enabling Mobile First Commerce2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Grand Canyon 3
Breakout 2: Product Roadmap: PRM, Analytics, Partners 2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 2: UP Merchant Payments Roadmap for the In-Store Experience2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Grand Canyon 11
Breakout 2: The Business Banking Marketplace - What's Up2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Wildflower B
Breakout 2: Enterprise Banker Update2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 2: Not Attending a Session2:20 PM - 3:10 PM  
Breakout 2: The Benefits of ReD Shield for Advanced Users2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Grand Canyon 9
Breakout 2: Payment Systems Network Updates – SWIFT2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Grand Canyon 5
Break (Sponsored by Transition Solutions Inc.)3:10 PM - 3:40 PM Grand Canyon Foyer
Breakout 3: EB to UOB Migration: A Practical Case Study3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 3: Building Business Cases for Fraud Solutions3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 3: Blockchain is Gaining Traction3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 1
Breakout 3: Opportunities and Hurdles On Entering New Markets3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 11
Breakout 3: ReD Shield as a Tool to Increase Sales3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 9
Breakout 3: How to Successfully Deploy Estate Management in Your P2PE Environment3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 12
Breakout 3: Immediate Payments Case Studies from Around the World and What Comes Next3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 3
Breakout 3: Not Attending a Session3:40 PM - 4:30 PM  
Breakout 3: MTS Strategy and Roadmap3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 5
ACI Women's Initiative Networking Event5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Wildflower B
Registration and Hospitality Desk Closes5:30 PM Grand Canyon Foyer
IPUG Reception (For IPUG Members Only)7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Sonoran J
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Registration and Hospitality Desk Open7:00 AM Grand Canyon Foyer
Breakfast7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Grand Canyon 8
FEATURED KEYNOTE: How Any Company Can Learn From LEGO’s Successful Innovation Management System8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
Open API: Unlocking Innovation in Banking9:30 AM - 10:10 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
Working with ACI Using the Agile Methodology10:10 AM - 11:10 AM Grand Canyon 6 & 7
Room Change11:10 AM - 11:25 AM  
User Group Meeting: Merchant Retail Community11:25 AM - 12:15 PM Grand Canyon 1
Not Attending a User Group Meeting11:25 AM - 12:15 PM  
User Group Meeting: Immediate Payments Community11:25 AM - 12:15 PM Grand Canyon 5
User Group Meeting: UOB User Group - Part 211:25 AM - 12:15 PM Grand Canyon 2
Lunch12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Grand Canyon 8
Breakout 4: Global Payment Insights Series - Retailer View1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 3
Breakout 4: Grow and Beat Your eCommerce & mCommerce Business Goals 1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 11
Breakout 4: MTS Operations Roundtable - Part 11:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 5
Breakout 4: Whatever Happened to Rosie Jetson? How Banks / Retailers / Processors / Networks Could Use Artificial Intelligence in Day-to-Day Operations1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 9
Breakout 4: Not Attending a Session1:15 PM - 2:05 PM  
Breakout 4: MTS Technical Roundtable - Part 11:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 2
Breakout 4: Cyber Threat Intelligence: Perspectives on how to Control the Channel with Actionable Data1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 4: Top Twelve Threats to your Enterprise1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 13
Breakout 4: Digital Channels Strategy and Roadmap1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 4: Immediate Payments in Latin America - Looking Towards a Transnational Payments Interoperability1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 1
Breakout 4: Postilion Product Update for Banks and Processors1:15 PM - 2:05 PM Grand Canyon 12
Room Change2:05 PM - 2:20 PM  
Breakout 5: Not Attending a Session2:20 PM - 3:10 PM  
Breakout 5: Meet Our Vendors2:20 PM - 3:10 PM Grand Canyon Foyer
Break (Sponsored by Reliant Solutions)3:10 PM - 3:40 PM Grand Canyon Foyer
Breakout 6: Preparing for Immediate Payments in the US - How ACI is Working with Vocalink and TCH3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 1
Breakout 6: How to Mine and Use Big Data in a Meaningful Way to Prevent 3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 9
Breakout 6: Going Mobile with UOB3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 6: BASE24-eps Product Update3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 12
Breakout 6: SWIFT GPI and Linux Updates3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 5
Breakout 6: Cyber Threat Intelligence: Fraud Trends 2018 -Prediction Panel3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 6: New PCI Compliance Mandates for Payment Engines: How ACI Can Help You Prepare 3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 2
Breakout 6: eSupport and HELP24: What They Can Do for You3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 13
Breakout 6: Not Attending a Session3:40 PM - 4:30 PM  
Breakout 6: UP Merchant Payments Roadmap for the eCommerce & mCommerce Experience3:40 PM - 4:30 PM Grand Canyon 11
Registration and Hospitality Desk Closes5:30 PM Grand Canyon Foyer
Wild West Themed Dinner Event7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Wildflower Ballroom
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Registration and Hospitality Desk Opens7:00 AM Grand Canyon Foyer
Luggage Storage Opens7:00 AM Pinnacle Peak 2
Breakfast7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Grand Canyon 8
Breakout 7: Universal Connectivity in Action: A Live Demo of UPP8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 12
Breakout 7: Small Business is a Big Deal: Tap the Potential8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 2
Breakout 7: Federal Reserve Faster Payments Task Force: Fraud Prevention in the New Channel - Knowing the Rules and Tools Available to Managers and Analysts8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 7: Cards Transaction Processing at Rabobank8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Wildflower A
Breakout 7: Customer Panel: Innovations in Customer Engagement8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 11
Breakout 7: E-Pin and RSA Update8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 5
Breakout 7: ReD Product Roadmap8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 9
Breakout 7: Blockchain Goes Mainstream - An Update on Distributed Ledger8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 3
Breakout 7: Not Attending a Session8:00 AM - 8:50 AM  
Breakout 7: The Next Generation UP Bill Payment Solution 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Grand Canyon 13
Room Change8:50 AM - 9:05 AM  
Breakout 8: The Impact of Open APIs on Transaction Banking9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 8: A Day in the Life of Your Future Consumer9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 1
Breakout 8: Card Merchant Management Clinic9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 13
Breakout 8: UP Merchant Payments Roadmap for the Online Experience9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 11
Breakout 8: MTS Online Communnity Discussion/Start of Operations Roundtable9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 5
Breakout 8: Not Attending a Session9:05 AM - 9:55 AM  
Breakout 8: The Business Case of Immediate Payments9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 12
Breakout 8: Evolving ReD Shield with Complex Event Processing and Big Data9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 9
Breakout 8: Metric Benchmarking Sharing9:05 AM - 9:55 AM Grand Canyon 10
Break9:55 AM - 10:25 AM Grand Canyon Foyer
Breakout 9: MTS Operations Roundtable - Part 210:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 5
Breakout 9: Fraud Prevention Strategy Sharing - Part 110:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 9: Continuous Delivery of ACI Interchange and ACI Issuer, Fact of Fiction?10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 12
Breakout 9: Trendspotting - A Year of Payments Buzzwords in Review10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 3
Breakout 9: ReD Shield User Roundtable10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 9
Breakout 9: The New UI and Your Customer's Experience10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 9: Postilion in Africa for Africa10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 13
Breakout 9: Customer Roundtable: Omni-channel Experience 10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 11
Breakout 9: How to Expand Your Value Chain in Merchant Payments and Move Past Your Traditional Payment Channels as a Bank, Acquirer or Intermediary10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 1
Breakout 9: MTS Technical Roundtable - Part 2 10:25 AM - 11:15 AM Grand Canyon 2
Breakout 9: Not Attending a Session10:25 AM - 11:15 AM  
Room Change11:15 AM - 11:30 AM  
Breakout 10: Fraud Prevention Strategy Sharing - Part 211:30 AM - 12:30 PM Grand Canyon 10
Breakout 10: Immediate Payments in the Online Channel11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Grand Canyon 4
Breakout 10: MTS Closing Session11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Grand Canyon 5
Breakout 10: How to Drive Your Online Customers to Your In-Store Experience11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wildflower A
Breakout 10: Not Attending a Session11:30 AM - 12:30 PM  
Breakout 10: ROI of Your Consumer Experience Activities and Practical Advice on How Banks Can Work to Further Improve11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wildflower C
Registration and Hospitality Desk Closes12:00 PM Grand Canyon Foyer
Conference Close12:30 PM  
Luggage Storage Closes1:00 PM Pinnacle Peak 2